#1KBE A Thousand Beginnings and Endings Reading Challenge

1KBE Challenge Board final.png

This challenge is co-hosted by LitCelebrAsian, so please keep an eye on the blog and twitter to follow updates, author interviews, and more!

What is A Thousand Beginnings and Endings?

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings is an upcoming anthology featuring retellings of mythology and legends from East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.The collection is edited by Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman, and will feature stories from the following authors: Elsie Chapman, Renée Ahdieh, Sona Charaipotra, Preeti Chhibber, Roshani Chokshi, Aliette de Bodard, Melissa de la Cruz, Julie Kagawa, Rahul Kanakia, Lori M. Lee, E. C. Myers, Cindy Pon, Aisha Saeed, Shveta Thakrar, Alyssa Wong.

For more information and preorder:  Harpercollins | Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Indiebound | Book Depository | Dymocks | Booktopia Continue reading “#1KBE A Thousand Beginnings and Endings Reading Challenge”

#TheReadingQuest Sign Up

The Reading Quest Sign Up Post

The Reading Quest IntroductionHello Adventurers,

Welcome to #TheReadingQuest! I invite you to join me on a reading adventure based entirely on a video-game quest. In this challenge, you’ll be embarking on a journey to conquer your TBR pile through a series of stages. You’ll read new stories, gain experience, and level up a character of your choosing.

The quest will take place between Sunday 13th August to Sunday 10th September, 2017All adventurers are encouraged to register their interest in the sign up form below, which will be open from now until Sunday 13th August. SIGN UP IS NOW CLOSED. FEEL FREE TO READ ALONG FOR FUN, HOWEVER IF YOUR CORRECT LINK IS NOT IN THE INLINKZ LIST YOU WILL NOT BE ELIGIBILE FOR THE PRIZES. No exceptions. 

I want to give a huge thank you to CW of Read, Think, Ponder. She is the amazing artist behind all of the character illustration you’ll see within this post. You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, and her stunning blog! Please go give her all your love, because I cannot think of anyone more deserving of unadulterated adoration! Continue reading “#TheReadingQuest Sign Up”

Dumbledore Army’s DAReadathon Wrap Up Post

DAReadathon Wrap Up.png

#DAReadathon concluded last week, thank you so much to everyone for participating in reading and promoting diverse books in the first fortnight of the year. I hope we will all continue to do so for the remainder of 2017!

For everyone who participated in the event and want their reading efforts counted towards their Hogwarts House Points, please leave the following details in the comment below:

Hogwarts House
Expecto Patronum:
 Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
Expelliarmus: Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
Protego: Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
Reducto: Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
Impedimenta: Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
Stupefy: Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
Lumos: Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) +  5 Points Completion Bonus
NOTE: If you read audiobooks, you receive 1 point per 15 minutes & 5 points completion bonus. If you read manga or graphic novels, 1/2 the number of points you would receive if you read a book.
Review Points:
 5 house points per reviews for the books above posted between 1/1 until 22/1.
Crossposting Your Reviews: 1 extra points for every review you crosspost to Goodreads and commercial sites, maximum of 3 points per book for this.
Social Media Points: Earned from tweeting/photos. Please be honest! I will be doing a check! Max points from tweeting is 40 (20 maximum from tweets, 20 maximum from photos).
Extra Books Read Bonus:  1 pt per 10 pages read for books you completed AFTER you finished the initial 7 challenges.

The points will be counted and the winning House revealed on 31st of January!

This obviously all depends on everyone’s honesty, as I can’t actually use Vitaserum to verify whether you’ve read all the books or the will to shift through all your tweets to count up the points. I trust that all you lovely people will play fair ❤ Than you once more for joining, and I hope I’ll see you if there is a future round.

Dumbledore’s Army Readathon Sign UP #DAReadAThon


Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to Pottermore and J. K. Rowling, please don’t sue me.

Dumbledore’s Army once strived to keep Hogwarts a safe space for all students, despite the odds which were stacked against them. For the upcoming new year, I wanted to take a leaf from their book, and to remember to keep fighting -especially to keep the voices of everyone visible in my reading experience. Come join me and declare your allegiance for Dumbledore’s Army, we’ll take it one page at a time.


What: #DAReadAThon is a Harry Potter themed readathon, focusing on diverse (especially #ownvoices) books.

When: The readathon will begin Sunday 1st January and conclude Sunday 15th January, midnight to midnight – wherever in the world you’re based.

Who: Anyone can join, although it would be easier for you to write up your reviews and sign up posts if you had a platform such as a blog or a booktube. If you have a twitter or instagram account, please join in on the #DAReadAThon hashtag! You don’t have to be familiar with Harry Potter to join, but the prompts will make more sense to you.

How: You can sign up in this post right here, and start planning your TBR from today. Sign up will remain open for the duration of December.

Continue reading “Dumbledore’s Army Readathon Sign UP #DAReadAThon”

#ReadThemAllThon Hall Of Fame

ReadThemAllThon Hall Of Fame.png

Three weeks just flew by and we are at the end of the #ReadThemAllThon! I am overwhelmed by the response, we ended up with more than 200 sign ups. Thank you so much to every single one of you who participated, it means the world to me ❤ Whether you managed to finish the challenge or not, I hope you had loads of fun.

But what I am truly looking for is who is our Pokemon Champion? Their prizes are:


  1. 2 Pokemon Wooden Bookmarks from Ink and Wonder!
  2. $15 AUD to spend on Book Depository or Wordery.
  3. Bragging rights, I’ll make you a banner proclaiming your win if you wish 😉

How do we decide who the winner is? To be in a chance to claim the prize, please collate your points and comment below. The comments will be open until Friday 9th September 12.00AM my time (AEST). The person with the higher number of points in the comment wins! I thought for a long time and given how many participants there are, this is the best way to keep track.

Please fill the form below using this format, time to crunch some numbers:

Pokemon Used:
Pewter Badge:
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Cascade Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Thunder Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Rainbow Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Marsh Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Soul Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Flame Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Earth Badge: 
CP Points (1 pt per 10 pages read) + 20CP* completion bonus
Review Points:  
20 CP per review you wrote of only the books you read for the above challenge, posted between 14/8-4/9.
Social Media Points: Earned from tweeting/photos. Please be honest! I will be doing a check! Max points from tweeting is 200, max points from photo is 100
Evolution Bonus: +50 CP each time the Pokemon evolves, in Magikarp’s case, +120CP
Extra Books Read Bonus:  1 pt per 10 pages read for books you completed AFTER you finished the initial 8 challenges.

Note: please only add the extra 20 CP for the badges if you FINISHED the book you read.

This obviously all depends on everyone’s honesty, as I have no concrete way to verify whether you’ve read all the books or the will to shift through all your tweets to count up the points. I trust that all you lovely people will play fair ❤

Please let me know if any feedback regarding the event below as well. I will be hosting more readathons (not necessarily Pokemon themed, this depends on interest) in the future, so I hope to see you around!

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who participated. You’re all the very best in my heart ❤

#ReadThemAllThon TBR Pile


For more info on the Pokemon Indigo League #ReadThemAllThon reading challenge, read my Info/Sign Up post here. This post just includes the titles I will be tackling during the challenge period.

Chosen Pokemon


A 2-stage evolution Pokemon is no good for points, but I just really love Vulpix & Ninetails, OK? May change it to a Togepi or Mareep if I get point hungry later on. Continue reading “#ReadThemAllThon TBR Pile”

Pokemon Indigo League #ReadThemAllThon Sign Up

Hi all, I am back with another reading challenge inspired by Pokemon Go. I have recently become quite obsessed with read-a-thons as a way to tackle my TBR, so combining these two things is the natural progression of things.


Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. I make 0 monetary profit from my blog, please don’t sue me!

What Is It?

The Pokemon Indigo League #ReadThemAllThon is a 3 weeks long reading challenge based on the Kanto’s Indigo League. Long-time fans of the series would recognise this as the first set of gyms Ash Ketchum had to conquer in his quest to become the Pokemon Master. Now you, my friends, will also embark on a journey to become the very best. Instead of fighting gym battles, you’ll be reading books instead!

When Is It?

The read-a-thon will run for 3 weeks between Sunday 14th August to Sunday 4th September.

You can sign up anytime between now and the end of the read-a-thon.

How Do I Join?

Create a sign-up post on your own blog/booktube/booklr/etc with the books you will read for the challenge below and title it #ReadThemAllThon TBR or something similar. Then add your link to the link widget below. Please add a link back to this post! Continue reading “Pokemon Indigo League #ReadThemAllThon Sign Up”

TBR Takedown Wrapup & Make Me Read It Poll


I managed to read 4 out of the 5 books I set for myself in TBR Takedown – a feat I’ll pat myself on the back for because I have never managed to stick to a TBR so closely before. Here are some of my thoughts on the books I read, and I will be doing more full-length reviews for them later on!

I also have a poll at the end of this post, please help me fill it out, it will literally take you 2 seconds and will let you pick what I’ll be reading next month!


The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater: 5 Stars I absolutely loved this, and all I can wonder is how on earth did it take me so long to read this book? I forgot how beautiful Maggie Stiefvater’s writing is. It’s descriptive, vivid, and she has such a masterful command on human emotions and characterisation. Ronan just jumped up to being one of my faves, his development was phenomenal in this book. Also, all the ships! I absolutely can’t wait to get started on Blue Lily, Lily Blue. Continue reading “TBR Takedown Wrapup & Make Me Read It Poll”

TBR Takedown: The Pile

TBR Takedown is a readathon running on twitter from 20-26th of June. The challenge? To read 6 books fitting into 6 different categories.

My book hauls in the last couple of weeks have been absolutely out of control. I will opt to blame my wanton indulgence on the fact that it’s my blogoversary month. With hauling comes the responsibility to read all of the books, so I’ve decided to partake in TBR Takedown this week in an attempt manage my pile.


I will mostly be trying to knock off library books this week. I am still extremely mortified about my previous set of fines and I cannot look at the local librarians in the eyes.

A Book Out Of My Comfort Zone: Gossip From The Forest by Sara Maitland


Non-fiction is something I rarely ever read, but this book sounded too excellent to pass up. Sara Maitland visits the woodlands of Britain, rediscovering their intrinsic links to fairy tales we love. For each forest she wanders through, she tells us of its natural and social history – as well as how aspects of the forests guided humanity’s imagination and oral storytelling traditions. She also concludes each story with a retelling of a well-known fairy tale.

I am about two-third of the way through this one, and it has been simultaneously enchanting and fascinating! However, I do find that it is a very personal indulgent piece of writing, the author often relying on conjectures and assumptions to get her message across. Continue reading “TBR Takedown: The Pile”