Pokemon Go Book Tag


Disclaimer:  Pokemon Go belongs to Niantic and Nintendo, please don’t sue me.

By the time I post this, you’re probably already well aware of the global sensation that is Pokemon Go. This blog and other parts of my life have been 100% neglected in the name of catching them all. I thought I should combine my two loves of books and Pokemon in this one tag, and I want you to join me in spreading this across the lands!


  • NIL. Link back to my blog is appreciated but optional. Feel free to use my graphics. Tag people, don’t tag people, whatever. Just have fun!


Starter Pokemons have such great nostalgic values. I love all three of the original, but I chose Bulbasaur when I started this game (WHY?! I have not even seen a single Charmander so far, I am CRUSHED!)

For the bookish equivalent, some of my first English language books were by Roald Dahl, I especially love Matilda. I also loved R. L. Stine’s Goosebumps series! The first book I ever read on my own, though, was the Vietnamese edition of Dragon Ball volume one 😉


Pikachu is an enduring icon, I still have not encountered him in this game and it’s a cause of Great Pains. I am now aware that you can choose him as a starter but I am already level 14 so it’s TOO LATE.

My bookish equivalent of Pikachu is the Harry Potter series. Like Pikachu, everyone loves Harry Potter, but that love will never become cliche, at least not in my books.


If you have played this game for any amount of time, you’ll soon realise that Zubats are the literal worst. My apartment is literally a bat cave. I have over 300 Zubat candies. Enough is enough!

Like Zubats, adult colouring books is a plague to every bookshop I visit. Surely, every single regular bookshop browser is sick of them by now? Can they go away, please?


The elusive Ditto still have not appeared in this game yet, but this amorphous Pokemon is so loveable. Also, you can win $5000 if you catch one via Ripley’s Believe it Or Not contest, which just adds to its appeal.

I personally feel that the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown is not particularly novel in terms of themes and setting (dystopia, an underdog that champions the oppressed, mass scale war) – but I still adore it so much! It’s one of my favourite YA series of all time, and I would highly recommend it to everyone.


I have yet to encounter Snorlax in Pokemon Go – but this tag references the Game Boy games where he sits and chill in the middle of the route and make your life difficult.

I have owned A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara for almost a year now, and I am still too afraid to read it because just lifting that mammoth of a book alone requires too much effort. I will read it this year though, I hope!


Gengar has always been one of my favourite Pokemon from days of yore, I just enjoy Ghost types in general. But where are the Gastly in real life? Melbournites, please help me find them!

A book that I recently abandoned sleep for is A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas – because after the halfway points, all the scenes are either i) make me bawl or ii) make me want to rip my hair out in suspense. Sleep is not even an option.


Of course, you could also have Nidoking/Nidoking and Nidoqueen/Nidoqueen and everything else in between 😉

My book OTPs are many and varied, but currently my heart bleeds for Kaz/Inej (Six of Crows), Feysand (ACOMAF), Rowaelin (Throne of Glass), and Pynch (The Raven Cycle).


Ponyta is one of my favourites OK, so I had to shoe-horn this option in somehow.

Speaking of action, I need to direct you to the wonders that is A Darker Shade of Magic and all its twist, turns, and heart-stopping plotlines.


I will never get sick of seeing Eevees or its evolutionary forms, and I can barely decide which is my favourite (Vaporeon maybe, because mermaid aesthetics). Even though they’re quite common in the game, my heart still skips a beat when I see one.

Similarly, I will never be sick of seeing spin-offs for Harry Potter, even though I approach them all with caution. Cursed Child, please by good! I will also love whatever Juliet Marillier has planned for the Sevenwaters series in the future (still not making my peace with the fact it’s over).


As you well know, this lowly fish will one day be a fearsome Gyarados. First, I need to catch about 100 more Magikarps so I can have enough candy for this evolution. HOW?

I actually have to say that I am shocked I came to love the Throne of Glass series so much. I really disliked the first book, thought the second was OK, but it won me over from the third book onwards. I am now a Maas fangirl to the core.


Ahhh these birds are still some of my favourite Legendary design. I particularly love Articuno! Team Mystic? Holla at your girl here.

Somehow, I still have not read the Percy Jackson series. And somehow, I am still positive I will love it despite all of the hype surrounding it – and despite my apathy towards the movie adaptation of it. I also recently finished reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone and can’t wait to continue on with the rest of the series.


In all my years of playing this franchise, I still don’t own a Mew. I hope Pokemon Go will be the one to change that.

I have heaps of beautiful, extremely pricey books I wish to own, thanks to Bookstagram. Top on my list is all the Hogwarts House Themed Jackets by Juniper Books. Does anyone want to start a crowdfunding for my poor soul?


I usually get duds from eggs, but I hatched a Vulpix last night and it will be my darling for all of time.

I am very excited to check out Caraval by Stephanie Garber because circuses! Also dying to get my hands on A Darkly Beating Heart by Lindsay Smith because queer, Japan-based time travel book? It has my name all over it.


The beauty of living in the CBD is that I have never had to use my own lure module. Bless all the other fans for their generosity & for enabling all the Pokemon to migrate my way.

My autobuy authors are: Catherynne Valente, Neil Gaiman, Brandon Sanderson, Victoria Schwab, Sarah J. Maas, Maggie Stiefvater, Laini Taylor, Juliet Marillier, Haruki Murakami, and Patrick Ness. This is why I constantly complain vocally about having no money.


If you play this game, you’ll know how painful this screen is – bane of my existence, yet I can’t keep myself from checking back constantly in hope the game is back up.

My bookish equivalent for this, like everyone else, is the Winds of Winter by GRRM. At this stage I am convinced I am better off just watching the TV show. But hope springs eternal. I am still also waiting on the sequel to Pegasus by Robin Mckinley – the first book ended in the middle of a war where the OTP (yes, I totally ship the princess with the princely horse, OK) is ripped apart. I have been waiting for SIX YEARS. Sobbing.


All of these people had to put up with me congratulating myself on the tag this morning so:

The people who makes J my favourite letter, Jeann, Jenna, Joey and Jesse.

Melbourne Book Crew: Sam, Tamsien, MollieJulia, Bec, and I am not sure if the rest of you guys were interested bc there’s too many messages in that chat, but pls go right ahead if you are.

All the Bibliophile Academy Queens of my heart. Also please check us out and readalong with us. This month we’re doing This Savage Song & The Bone Season.

My other favourites: Tamara, Andrew, CriniVal, Holly, Jess, AnneRose, Amanda, Eri, Raisa, Alexandra, Bee, Kate, Joslin.

& all of the rest of you OK. Just embrace the Pokemon.

I gave up a night of catching Pokemon for this tag, so please forgive me for neglecting my blog for an entire week!

So are you playing Pokemon Go? What team are you in? What’s your favourite Pokemon? Let me know ❤

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