Book Review: Maybe Someday

Maybe Someday Colleen Hoover


Title: Maybe Someday

Author: Colleen Hoover

Rating: 3/5 stars

Series? No


Book Depository

I was in the mood for a quick romance, and having heard so many great things about Colleen Hoover, I decided to check this out. While I did enjoy it for the most part, the plot revolves around a lot of cheating which is a big NO in my book. I am so conflicted about this!



1. A Connection Deeper Than Words

“There isn’t a doubt in my mind that we could be perfect for each other’s life, Sydney. It’s our lives that aren’t perfect for us.”

Barring the whole uncomfortable cheating thing aside, I did think the relationship between Sydney and Ridge were well written. I could feel their physical attraction, and even their deeper bond. I enjoyed seeing their mutual passion for his music. Ridge is also deaf, and it was interesting to see how he coped with it, along with glimpsing at how Sydney made him yearn for more. They did have very good chemistry, if it weren’t for the tiny little fact that Rhys had a completely awesome girlfriend in Maggie, I think I would have enjoyed this pairing.  However, my knee jerk reaction to his infidelity meant I could never fully immerse in this story.

2. Compulsively Readable

“Never in all my life and in all my years of living in a world of silence have I wanted to hear something as much as I want to hear her sing right now. I want to hear her so bad it physically hurts.”

While I should have quit this book as soon as I realised where the story was going, I found myself unable to tear away from the story due to the great pacing and accessible writing. Colleen Hoover writes in direct, straight forward proses – yet she still manages to effectively tug at your heartstring. The numerous ups and downs that Sydney had to face through the stories kept momentum constant, and while I was at times frustrated, I was never bored.

3. A Musical Experience

“For her I bend, for you I break.”

Reading this book is quite the experience due to the accompanying soundtrack by Griffin Peterson. As we watch Sydney and Ridge write their songs together, we can put those earplugs in and amplify the feels. I hereby demand that ALL books come with their own designated playlist from now on. I read this book on a lazy Sunday afternoon while watching the parents fishing, and it was magical!

Don’t know whether you want to read the book? Go ahead and listen to the soundtrack HERE!



Just… NO. The author did make a valiant attempt at portraying Sydney and Ridge as well meaning, honest people who got caught in a shitty situation.  To some degree, this is exactly what they are, but I can’t help thinking  of all the things they could have done to avoid it:

  • Not living in the same house while knowing that their attraction was so instantaneous?
  • Don’t get all handsy with one another. In what WORLD is it OK for an attached dude to put his hands and head against some other girl’s body, even if it’s to ‘feel her voice’ or whatever?
  • Want to be to be together? Go ahead, have the decency and courage to break off your previous relationship first. People who screws around with other people’s feelings, lie, and deceive in the name of being kind are the worst.
  • Sydney knows exactly what it feels like to be cheated on, and though she says she feels guilty, she never does anything to try to mitigate or stop the situation.
  • Cheating, even between people with genuine feelings, is freaking spineless and I can’t abide by it.

/rant. Can you tell I have personal beef against this? XD

Cringeworthy Dialogue

Although I enjoyed the writing for the most part, there’s some truly awful lines and dialogue here that made me shudder a little. I LOVE romance, what I don’t love is awkward line like:

“Hey, heart. Are you listening? You and I are officially at war.”


“I failed miserably at trying not to fall in love with you.

I failed first.”


“Kisses like his should come with a warning label. They can’t be good for the heart.”

Am I just getting too old for this? I could barely contain my eye rolling sometimes.

Also the ending? Totally undeserved and unsatisfying. Our leads never grows a spine, their choices are effectively made for them. Give Maggie a spin off stat, please, I would MUCH rather be reading a story about her.

I know lots of my friends loved this book, I AM SORRY GUYS. I should have known I wouldn’t be able to handle reading about cheaters, especially with my past experience. I liked enough of what I read to attempt another Colleen Hoover book? Maybe Slammed? Ugly Love? Any recs?

61 thoughts on “Book Review: Maybe Someday

  1. I love Colleen Hoover but this is actually my least favorite book. You could try Slammed, Confess or even Hopeless that for me are so much better. Also, I don’t if you know but in Colleen’s website she as an extra chapter and it’s all about Maggie. Anyway, great review 🙂

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  2. I agree about the cheating part. The author made it sound like it was okay even when it isn’t. I dont usually like cheating, but Sydney and Ridge… i ship them. :p

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can fully understand people shipping them, I was so conflicted since they had crazy chemistry but I couldn’t get behind the cheating 😦


  3. I agree with you on the cheatung part. I think the soundtrack is the reason why I like this book so much. I don’t think you would like Ugly Love as it’s a bit predictable , Hopeless is a bit darker…maybe try Confess next it has such beautiful art work!

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  4. *GASPS*
    Is this a contemporary novel I see on your blog, Aentee?!
    I love this author, and I avoided reading this one because of the cheating for the longest time and decided to listen to the audio because a friend kept pushing it on me. I honestly think I would have hated the book had the performance of the narrators not been amazing. It was a difficult book for me because I didn’t want to root for Sydney and Ridge, but it ended up happening.
    Maggie has an extra short story on Colleen Hoover’s website if you’re interested. It gives you some mild closure when it comes to her at least.
    Great review, Aentee!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I KNOW WHAT AM I EVEN DOING haha. I am in a bit of a mood for contemporary right now actually. Too much binging of SFF this year. I could imagine the audio would be amazing, would love to see how Ridge’s voice actor interpreted his speaking voice.


  5. UHG I don’t even want to give this book a try because I heard this was about infidelity. You make some good points but its true, if you want to be together just end it with your SO and then move on.

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    1. Yes the thing about cheating I don’t get is why you don’t just move on from your existing partner. No matter how you paint it, dragging on a previous relationship will make it even more painful for all parties.

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      1. Exactly! It’s not like its hard to end a relationship. Besides, if you are trying to be with someone else you obviously don’t have that big of an attachment to the person you should leave. Therefore there isn’t an excuse.


    1. My eyes almost rolled out of my head reading some of these dialogue haha. I would rec reading some of her other works if you’re interested.

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  6. I don’t condone cheating at all. I don’t necessarily like reading about it, but I know that’s it going to pop up here and there in books. What I appreciated about Maybe Someday’s cheating was that Colleen Hoover tried to honestly portray it. The thoughts that were going through their heads are probably what people think when they’re trying not to follow their impulses and do it (I say probably because I’ve never cheated). And while they ended up together in the end, neither of them came through it unscathed. So, while the reader got the characters they wanted together, they also got the reality of the hurt caused. And yes, the characters could have done better to avoid each other, but where would the story have been in that?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can 100% understand your sentiment and I agree that the author gave a good reason for Ridge’s motivations, I mean if there was any reason for cheating I guess his would almost be acceptable? I am quite impressed with how she painted the relationship and made us go into their head as well. Though I still couldn’t root for them at the end. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me 🙂

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    1. This book wasn’t too bad as far as cheating goes. The worst instance I’ve seen is Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin. I don’t agree with burning books but I would make an exception for that one!


  7. Okay, so I just re-read my comment. Wish I could edit it because I feel like it sounds like I’m disagreeing with your review when I’m not. I was trying to explain why Maybe Someday’s cheating didn’t bug me as much as other books have but I sound mean? Sorry about if it came across that way! 🙂

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  8. Coleen Hoover’s books are always a hit or miss for me. I loved Hopeless and I’m really looking forward to reading Slammed but I’ve not been that bothered about her other books. Cheating is usually a deal-breaker for me. I just can’t get behind it so I’ll probably be giving this book a miss

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    1. I am looking forward to reading either Slammed or Confess myself, I just know to stay away from cheating in the future as it’s obviously a topic that I can’t ever swallow.

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  9. I haven’t read this book yet but i’m planning to read it soon. I don’t have any high expectations for this book but still I want to give it a shot. You must read Slammed! It’s a sweet read and I think you’ll definitely like it. Great Review BTW! 😀

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  10. Eh, I have never picked up a Colleen Hoover book – from some of the reviews I’ve seen, there seems to be some misogyny and emotionally abusive characters that would just not work for me. I suppose I should try out one of her books, just to get the feel for her writing though. But yeah, I’d totally have an issue with the cheating in this one!

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    1. Don’t start off with this book as I did if you have issues with cheating because you will just see red. Her writing is okay, but not good enough to justify suffering through this haha. Maybe try Slammed? A lot of people seem to enjoy that one.


  11. After reading and loving Slammed, this one didn’t quite live up to the same emotion and type of storyline that I could truly enjoy. The cheating was definitely an issue, and though Maybe Someday didn’t meet my high expectations I’m still hoping to check out another of Colleen Hoover’s books sometime to see how they fare. Great review Aentee 🙂


    1. I should have listened to you and started with Slammed instead haha. I’ll try that one or Confess next. I do appreciate how she incorporates art and poem into her work, it’s such a deeply personal touch!


  12. This was my first Colleen Hoover book and I couldn’t really understand why everyone liked it?? And from what I can tell, all her other books are packed full of the same types of characters and slut-shaming which is bleh..
    I also didn’t feel anything for the main characters. I just thought Hoover told rather than showed me how in love they were.
    And I thought the situation with Maggie was really contrived like that made oh-so-hard for him to decide who he wanted to be with..I just didn’t buy it.
    The playlist was cool though and I heard that she kind of did the same thing with Confess but instead of music, she put pictures of art throughout the book

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, total BS. If he loved her so much he would have been straight with her instead of shadily creeping on his balcony making eyes at his neighbour? Gross! sorry to hear that all her other protagonists are similar. And yes! Sydney did slut shame her new flatmate a bit. The thing about the Hooter’s outfit was totally uncalled for.

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      1. I totally agree! Like sure, you’re confused, but you’re doing more of a disservice to your relationship than if you had come straight with her than being confused the whole book. If you’re looking for more New Adult, I will always shamelessly recommend Unteachable by Leah Raeder :3


  13. I still haven’t read any other CoHo book apart from Ugly Love and this one probably won’t be my next one. I can’t really tolerate cheating either, unless the third party is a total bitch (in which case, they should be breaking up anyway). But Rhys seems like such an interesting character and I just want to know more about him. Also, the playlist is really cool and I agree that all books should come with a playlist. I like that Sarah J Maas is coming out with some now!

    I think I might try Confess next, because I think the cover is beautiful!

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    1. I skimmed through Confess to find the artwork and they’re so beautiful, I’m keen to give it a go but I’ll have to carefully curate the GR reviews to make sure there’s nothing in it that would make me see red haha. Ridge is quite an interesting character in his deafness BUT I don’t understand his actions at all lmao.

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  14. Surprised you gave the book 3 stars after all that haha. I wouldn’t have graced it with more than 2. (Re: my review for Ugly Love (1 star), which was my first and last Hoover book.) The moment I hear cheating is in a book, I lose all interest. I get that it’s a plot device, but I like to read about relationships where people would make choices I could empathize with. Cheating? HAHAHANO.
    I totally agree with you on other things, too. The cringe-worthy dialogue is ever-present in Ugly Love as well, although I finished the book in a couple of hours. Overall, the main characters were cardboard and spineless so I wouldn’t recommend that one either lol.
    Good luck on your next Hoover book, if you decide to pick one!

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    1. I guess I am just too nice haha. I was initially going to give it 3 stars because I didn’t realise how much it bothered me until I wrote the review. I dropped it down to two stars and felt mean so I raised it back up LMAO WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. EEP I am sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Ugly Love. I think I might try Slammed because it sounds quite inocuous and harmless haha.

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  15. This author is one that belongs to the list of “never read.” I’m not really a fan of NA or romance books in general and the negative reviews have already convinced me her books are not for me. I’m glad you enjoyed some of it, though. Gotta say: Infidelity, I’m not a fan if it, and neither am I a fan of those bits of dialogues you posted. Great review! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t actually seen many negative reviews for her on the blogosphere so I decided to try this. I need to hang out on GR more as I tend to agree with the critical reviews on there lmao.


  16. Wonderful review Aentee! The cheating is totally a downfall in books like this! I have only ever read Ugly Love and I really enjoyed it! It pulls at your heartstrings. But if you are critical or not a fan of the sex with no strikings attached kind of reationship, you may not like Ugly Love. But it’s emotional, I assure you. So emotional!

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    1. I actually like the sound of the Ugly Love plot line as no strings sex leading to love is kinda a guilty pleasure trope of mine to read lmao. I hope I’ll find the main characters more relatable than I did here.

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      1. Oooh wonderful! Well then you WILL definitely enjoy it. And the main male character’s story will potentially break your heart. It definitely broke mine, I think I remember crying when I learnt his full story!


  17. Oooh did the they change Ridge’s to Rhys name in your edition? Rhys makes me think of ACOTAR instead haha!

    Great review, Aentee! It was hard to read about the cheating but I personally loved the story and the writing! And the accompanying soundtrack was perfect! So glad to hear you enjoyed Griffin’s songs too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NOPE I JUST FAILED. OOPS. fixed now thank you Hazel *facepalm*

      I love the music so much, hence why I rated it decently even though I ranted a whole lot in this review. I know you’re a huge Colleen Hoover fan so I hope I can find a book that makes me feel the same soon!


  18. I felt exactly the same way Aentee. I much preferred her earlier books where they seemed to have personality and feels. This felt like dressed up NA sadly and hell no to the infidelity. I know it happens, of course people in relationships cheat and not trying to play that down, but I don’t think it does anyone any favours to romanticise it either. It felt icky and no amount of explaining could justify why one girl who was just cheated ON, would go on to be the ‘other woman’ without being overcome by guilt. In the REAL word, she surely would have seen that he was no different from the former boyfriend and hauled ass out of there. I used to be such a fan of hers too, but I think it’s more about the money now than creating incredible storylines. Awesome review Aentee, I’m sorry you couldn’t have enjoyed this one more ❤


    1. I’m so sad I couldn’t enjoy this one! I have to check out Slammed as I remember you recommending it on Twitter.

      I know people can’t stay with one person their whole life in most cases. But if you want to move on have the balls to break things off or you’ll just be hurting all parties!


  19. Those quotes are so cringe-y, I’m surprised Nicolas Sparks or John Green didn’t pen this. Oh, God. Cheating. Absolutely. Unacceptable. I’ve heard endless praise about Colleen Hoover’s work but I have yet to check out one of her books. I’m almost tempted to check this one out, though. 😀 Books with playlists are SO FUN. Since You Been Gone is full of them. Sorry, this one didn’t work for you, Aentee. Lovely review!

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    1. Are JG books like this? I will make sure to never read one in that case lmao. I’ll have to check out Since You Have Been Gone if it has a playlist!!


    1. Thanks Isha! Sorry that we are disagreeing once more haha. At least we both share our love for Six of Crows and Kaz/Inej – they are the only fictional characters that matters at this stage 😝


  20. Ohhhhh. I think I am going to stay away from this one, because, like you, I DESPISE cheating, and I don’t ever really get on board with relationships that form when one (or both) parties are ALREADY in a relationship. I mean .. if you want to be with someone else, then at least be kind enough to your partner and break it off, rather than pretend that you’re still exclusively with them while you’re off falling in love with someone else.

    I have never read a Colleen Hoover book, but I have SLAMMED borrowed out from the library right now. I have heard a lot of good things about it, and I hope I like it as much as everyone else.

    Even though it looks like there are aspects of this that I could probably fall in love with, the cheating aspect does put me off quite a bit (as well as those CHEESY LINES, HAHA XD)

    Lovely review, Aentee! ❤


    1. I hope you’ll enjoy Slammed! It looks like that will be my next Colleen Hoover book and I am excited to see whether her writing will ring more true with me if there’s a couple I could root for!


  21. It’s been ages since I’ve read Colleen Hoover’s book, I was very curious if her novels would work for me now: I loved Slammed and Hopeless, but my reading tastes changed drastically. I’ve just finished Confess and I had a lot of issues with it, though many reviewers loved it. So I think I’ll part ways with this author. I’ve seen Maybe Someday around and didn’t pick it up because of cheating. I love your description of Colleen Hoover writing style: “direct, straight forward proses – yet she still manages to effectively tug at your heartstring”; and I totally agree about eye-rolling and cringeworthy dialogues. Great honest review, Aentee!


    1. I mean I don’t mind some cheesy quotes, I happily read Sophie Kinsella after all– I think it was mainly the subject of the book I had an issue with. Thank you Ksenia! I hope I’ll enjoy Slammed!


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